Democratic Clubs in Calvert County
Calvert County Democratic Club
Join this social and organizing club that supports Democratic candidates, ideals, and progress for all in Calvert County. Their club meetings are the second Thursday of the month at Adam’s Ribs and Taphouse in Prince Frederick. Social time beginning at 6:00 pm with the meeting starting at 6:30 pm. Check out their social media pages to learn more and get involved! Find the CCDC on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!
Calvert County Democratic Women’s Club
Progressive women of Calvert County working together to make our county, state, and country the best they can be. We are #DonkeyStrong. The club meets the first Tuesday of the month at Dream Weaver Cafe in Prince Frederick. Dinner and social time at 6:15 pm, with the meeting beginning at 7:00pm. Please visit their website for further details about the club and how to join and be involved! Find the CCDWC on Facebook, Twitter, and Online!
Southern Maryland Young Democrats
Follow the brand new group for young Democrats in Southern Maryland to collaborate and organize! If you are 35 or under and live in Calvert, St. Mary’s, and Charles County, you’re encouraged to join this great group of like-minded folks, and get the work done!