Mail-In Ballots / Voting By Mail
The information below is provided for the convenience of voters. A good-faith effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate. However, no representation is made that this information is complete and correct. The Calvert County Board of Elections and the Maryland State Board of Elections are the only official and authoritative sources of election information. Voters are advised to confirm the accuracy of the information contained herein with those sources.
Maryland’s Permanent Mail-In Ballot List
All Maryland voters may request an absentee ballot, also known as a mail-in ballot. If you want to get a mail-in ballot for all future elections, you can sign up for the permanent mail-in ballot list. Once you are on this list, we will send you your mail-in ballot for each future election you are eligible to vote in. You won't have to submit a request for each election.
You can use this website to request to be added to the permanent mail-in ballot list. Or you can use these forms:
Things To Know:
If you request a mail-in ballot for one or all future elections, but later change your mind and want to vote in person, you will have to vote a provisional ballot.
If you request a mail-in ballot for one or all future elections, and you later move or change your mailing address or contact information, you will need to update that information here or contact your local board of elections to update your records.
If you decide you want to vote in person instead of getting a mail-in ballot you need to update that information here or contact your local board of elections to update your records.
Requesting Your Mail-In Ballot Online
>>> Mail-In Ballot Online Request Form
As you complete Step 9 of the form, you have the option of choosing the delivery method for your Mail-In Ballot. If you choose “through email,” an email containing a link to download your ballot will be sent to you once the Board of Elections has confirmed/validated your voter registration.
Requesting Your Mail-In Ballot by Mail or Fax
Download, print, and complete the Application for Absentee Ballot below, and deliver the completed form to the Calvert County Board of Elections in person, by mail, or fax by the deadlines noted below:
>>> Maryland Application for Mail-In Ballot
The deadlines for submitting your application for a Mail-In Ballot for the 2024 Primary Election are the following:
Mail-In Ballot delivered to you by mail or fax- Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Ballot delivered to you via internet- Friday, May 10, 2024
Pick up ballot at Calvert Board of Elections- Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Hand Deliver or Fax Your Application for Mail-In Ballot to:
Calvert County Board of Elections
30 Duke St. (Lower Level)
Prince Frederick, MD 20678
410-535-5009 (fax)
Mail Your Application for Mail-In Ballot to:
Calvert County Board of Elections
P.O. Box 798
Prince Frederick, MD 20678
Completing Your Mail-In Ballot
When filling out your ballot, remember to:
Use Black or Blue Ink to Mark your Ballot
Sign and Date the Return Envelope. Do Not Sign the Ballot.
Seal your Return Envelope
Send your Ballot using the Postage-Paid Return Envelope, drop off your ballot at a secure drop box, or drop off your ballot at any polling place in the county or Board of Elections office.
Submitting Your Mail-In Ballot
We encourage voters to submit their mail-in ballot as soon as possible. If you are able, try to submit your ballot at least two weeks prior to Election Day. You can also hand deliver your ballot to a designated secure Ballot Drop Box, polling location, or Board of Elections. Be sure to check the status of your submitted ballot online. After you’ve input your information, click the link that says “Status of My Absentee or Provisional Ballots,” The status of your ballot will be listed there.
You must mail or hand deliver your mail-in ballot. You cannot submit your mail-in ballot online, or submit it by email or fax.
To Mail Your Ballot
Must be postmarked** on or before Tuesday, May 14, 2024. Addressed to:
Calvert County Board of Elections
P.O. Box 798
Prince Frederick, MD 20678
To Hand Deliver Your Ballot:
Must be submitted no later than Tuesday, May 14, 2024 by 8:00 pm to the Calvert County Board of Elections, or secure ballot drop box.
Ballot Drop Box Locations
Calvert County Board of Elections: 30 Duke St, Lower Level, Prince Frederick
Southern Community Center: 20 Appeal Ln, Lusby
Fairview Vote Center (behind the Fairview Library): 8120 Southern Maryland Blvd, Owings
Northeast Community Center: 4075 Gordon Stinnett Avenue, Chesapeake Beach
Additional guidance on how to vote by mail, can be found at the Maryland Board of Elections website, or feel free to contact the Calvert County Board of Elections or Calvert County Democratic Party for assistance.