2022 is rapidly approaching and you can never be too prepared for your run for office! Whether this is your first time running, or just your first time in a competitive race, please join the Maryland Democratic Party and the DNC's Best Practices Institute for an intensive day of campaign training.
The event will run from 10-3 and during this time your will learn from the best organizers our Party has to offer. The event will be held on Zoom, and the agenda will cover:
-Organize to Win: Effective Field Strategies
-Votebuilder 101
-Fundraising Best Practices
-Best Practices: Digital + Communications
The Best Practices Institute (BPI) is the shared training department of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Association of State Democratic Committees (ASDC). The BPI delivers trainings to activists and volunteers, Party leaders and staff, students and youth organizers, candidates and campaign staff, constituency caucus members and community leaders, and so many more!
Hope to see you there!