Meet A Calvert DNC Delegate, David Salazar

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As the Democratic National Convention approaches, we wanted to introduce you to one of the Calvert County Democrats who will be representing Maryland’s 5th District as Delegates for Vice President Joe Biden. Meet David Salazar. David is a current member of the Calvert County Democratic Central Committee and former chair. He was born and raised here in Calvert County and is currently the Director of Support Services for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers at the IBEW International Headquarters in Washington DC. 

The 2020 DNC will be quite a bit different than all previous conventions, but that doesn’t mean the convention would be any less meaningful or productive. From the official DNC website

“The convention is an opportunity to show the American people what we stand for as a party and unite around our shared values. In addition to fulfilling their nominating duties, Democratic Party members from across the country will also work together during the convention to adopt the official 2020 Democratic Party platform.” 

We can absolutely do that just as effectively online as in an arena, and our own David Salazar will be a part of making that happen.

So what makes someone want to run for delegate to the national convention? According to David he made that decision over two years ago that he would make it happen. “I was hearing so many of my friends and family complaining about the harm Donald Trump has done to our country that I wanted to get involved, do my part to nominate a president that better represents the interests of working families.” 

Deciding to run to be a delegate is the first step, but each prospective delegate must choose a presidential candidate to represent, or run as an “at large” candidate, meaning they would not be attached to a single candidate. David knew early on that he wanted to be a delegate for Vice President Biden. “ VP Biden has been a friend of organized labor for many years. As a Director at the International Headquarters of one of the largest labor unions in our country, the choice was very clear. Mr. Biden has presented a clear path to incentivize union organizing and collective bargaining.” 

In his role as a delegate for Joe Biden, David will have certain responsibilities to fulfil. Each delegate represents their own congressional district with the primary goal of nominating and confirming a candidate for president and vice president. They also adopt a comprehensive platform that the party will use as its guidelines of operation for the next four years.

We know that this year’s Democratic National Convention will be quite a bit different than conventions past, but that doesn’t phase Mr. Salazar, he is excited and ready to go to work representing Maryland’s 5th District and Joe Biden. “I am very proud to be able to say that I have done my part in nominating a president that will turn our country around, lead us through the COVID pandemic and bring civility back to the presidency. A change in the White House is what I am most excited for.”

During the 2020 primary cycle, the Democratic Party had a wealth of exceptional candidates to choose from. Many of whom will continue to serve in the US Congress, work as activists, or could even find themselves with roles in a potential Biden administration, but we wanted to ask David to bring his choice in candidate home, to Calvert County. What does he see a Biden administration doing for Calvert County to really make a difference here in Southern Maryland? According to David, “Calvert County is largely seen as a middle-class community serving as a suburb to Washington DC. Mr. Biden has a very comprehensive plan that works to further good paying employment in rural areas just like ours.”

In an election year, we always see so many folks get inspired to get involved, and make a difference not just in the national race, but in their own communities. As someone who has been active in working for Democratic goals and ideals here in Calvert County, David has some suggestions for anyone looking to make a difference. “I have been saying for years that you can’t make change from your couch. Stop complaining and start campaigning. There are many commissions, boards, and committees that allow citizens to serve in advisory roles which help direct local policies. They say politics are local, therefore it’s best to get involved with community-based organizations first.” In addition, you can always check out for the latest opportunities to get involved!

We thank David for taking the time to help us get a taste of what it means to be a Delegate to the Democratic National Convention, especially in the year 2020 when so much is on the line. The DNC will run from August 17-August 20. To follow the convention, check out the schedule of events and speakers, their Plans and Details page to get links to things like the official Democratic Party Platform and frequently asked questions, and even get involved and be a part of the convention! Also, make sure to watch the live coverage each night of the event, from 9:00pm-11:00pm.

Make sure that you are registered to vote and apply now for an absentee ballot if you plan to vote by mail. Head to for your important election dates to remember, as well as links to register to vote, check your current registration, apply for an absentee ballot, as well as guidance on submitting it later on. We are also in need of Election Day volunteers to help with our informational booths at polling places. Please consider volunteering if you’re able and interested in helping out. It’s all hands on deck as the 2020 election draws nearer, so let’s get the job done, and elect Joe Biden as President of the United States.


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