Support the US Postal Service

Have you heard that the USPS is under threat from the Trump Administration? the USPS is a vital public service that serves each and every address across the United States. No matter if you’re sending a letter across the county or across the country, a 55 cent stamp will get it there. Compare this to the availability of high-speed internet, if you live in rural areas you aren’t necessarily guaranteed the same access as someone living in downtown DC. In addition, the USPS provides good paying jobs to over 600,000 people across the United States. These are essential workers out there each and every day working for us all. With the USPS, everyone has access to its services regardless of where you live. When we all rely on the USPS to receive paychecks, letters from loved ones, applying for passports, and especially right now, how most of us will be casting our ballot in the election, it’s easy to see why we must protect the United States Postal Service.

Here’s where you come in, there are a couple of easy ways that YOU can help to support the USPS!

  • You can buy stamps online! There are over 70 different stamps to choose from, including designs that feature our National Parks, beautiful flowers, and prominent Americans! Send your next card with style! The USPS receives no revenue from tax dollars for operating expenses, it relies on the sale of postage, and other products and services to fund its operations. So that’s why simply buying a book of stamps helps so much.

  • Call your representative and ask them to support fully funding the USPS! Make sure that the folks who represent you are working for you, and standing up for this essential public service! If you want some extra credit, tell your friends and family to make calls as well. The more calls our Representatives receive, the more likely they are to take action. An easy way to spread the word is to share this post as well as our posts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to your own social media pages! Like/Share/Comment to spread the word!

    • Sen. Ben Cardin: (202) 224-4524

    • Sen. Chris VanHollen: (202) 224-4654

    • Rep. Steny Hoyer: (202) 225-4131

Those actions multiplied by us all can go far to protect this essential public service. Let's buy some stamps and let’s make some calls, Calvert County!


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