2024 Calvert County Board of Education Candidates

Non-Partisan Race

The Calvert County Democratic Central Committee does not make official endorsements on non-partisan races, but would like to highlight these three candidates for voters to further research. Jeanette Flaim, Antoine White, and Mike Shisler are all focused on sensible and student-focused solutions to ensure an outstanding educational experience for everyone. As such, we feel they deserve your consideration for Calvert County Board of Education. As a reminder, all registered voters in Calvert County will vote for all three Board of Education seats currently on the ballot. The Calvert County Democratic Central Committee is not affiliated with any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Jeanette Flaim

Facebook, Website

In collaboration with other elected board members, I will:
• Advocate for equitable education for all students
• Promote innovative teaching methods and technology
• Foster supportive policies that address mental health challenges facing students
• Champion diversity and inclusion throughout the district
• Work to improve school infrastructure, ensuring adequate resources
• Address any disparities in school funding

My positions on key issues follow:

Safety & Well Being -The issues of school safety and student well-being demand comprehensive strategies. Schools should ensure the code of conduct is being enforced with fidelity. They should foster a supportive and inclusive school culture through initiatives like peer support programs, mental health counseling services, and anti-bullying campaigns, working with School Safety Liaisons to make sure robust security measures are in place.

Teacher Retention - The school board must advocate for investing in our educators
and providing them with the resources they need to create a more stable and fulfilling work environment that encourages retention and attracts talent. I will work with other board members to hold the Superintendent accountable for developing a plan to retain and attract teachers and to identify and implement equitable resources to support student achievement. I will also support an annual Superintendent Budget that is developed to achieve these priorities.

The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future - Every student should have access to the resources and opportunities outlined in the Blueprint for Maryland's Future to fulfill its promise of improving education statewide. However, the State of Maryland should ensure that the counties receive the necessary funding for its implementation. I will support my state legislators in ensuring this mandate is fully funded for our district.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion - Maryland Educational COMAR 13A.01.06 states: "Each Maryland public school will provide every student equitable access to the educational rigor, resources, and supports that are designed to maximize the student's academic success and social/emotional well-being." I fully support this law.

Book Banning - School librarians have master's degrees and are teacher certified; they carefully build their collection to reflect curricular needs and their school's population. I trust the work and professionalism of school librarians. Any parent who is concerned about a book has the opportunity to speak with their school's librarian and principal.

Non-partisanship - School board races promote collaboration and prioritize the needs of the students above political agendas. Nonpartisan school boards are designed to remove conflicts that prevent its members from doing their job and members can focus on developing policies and initiatives that benefit all students. Fundamentally, students deserve a board member who strives to provide a loving, safe, and enriching learning environment.

Source: https://www.friendsofjeanetteflaim.com/issues

Antoine White

Website, Facebook


  • Oversight, enforcement and consistent adherence to the code of conduct district-wide.

  • Ensuring safe learning environments for students and staff through community engagement with local organizations and law enforcement.

  • Valuing teachers and support staff, listening to their input and making sure their voices are heard through policy decisions.

  • Making sure our schools are properly funded, above maintenance of effort, so our children do not miss out on opportunities afforded by other districts and we can attract talented staff again.


  • Fed 600k students and raised 250k End Hunger, BecomeOne,  CCSO (SROs), local organizations 

  • 1st Proclamation and Walk for Mental Health and Suicide Awareness in CCPS  and county

  • Led thru Pandemic,  CTR, Health Curriculum,  Budget crisis 

  • Secured transportation for Calvert County students after being denied for 13 years

  • Fostered a relationship with CMCC (community mediation center of Calvert)  for a 95k grant for personal and to bring mediation and restorative conferencing into schools to address conflict 

  • Visited each school

  • Strong supporter and driving force of PBL (project based learning), SECAC (special education citizens advisory committee), History Fair, CTA, Bus Drivers. 

  • Supported by CAESS, Bus Drivers, local unions.

Source: https://www.citizens4antoinewhite.com/additional-information

Mike Shisler

From Southern Maryland News article, February 6, 2024

“Mike Shisler, 74, of St. Leonard spent most of those years in Calvert County, first as an elementary school teacher and then nearly 30 years as Beach Elementary School principal. In addition to Calvert, Shisler also taught in Baltimore and in the Central Africa Republic when he was with the Peace Corps. Shisler was born in Miami, Fla., but his family moved to Maryland and he attended Catholic schools in Anne Arundel County. He graduated from Loyola University and holds a doctorate in education.

Since his retirement in 2021, Shisler does a substantial amount of volunteer work and still teaches chess to elementary school students. He told Southern Maryland News he is running because, “I was asked to. This was not on my radar.” He added he decided to run “because it’s important. We need to make sure kids are ready to become good citizens. We need to respect and protect all our kids. Our current age lacks an understanding of the common good. As board members, we need to listen and ask questions.”

Changes Shisler would advocate for as a school board member would be to prioritize students and listen to parents and teachers. “We have to make sure what we do is fair for every kid, establish a feeling of protection, respect and love,” Shisler said. “Our job is to establish an environment so people feel like they’re being listened to.”

When it comes to the board of education’s stewardship of taxpayer money from the county and state, Shisler said, “We have to be transparent. We must be sure we are spending the money on needs and duties.” In presenting and reviewing budget proposals, Shisler stated the school board and administrators must lead “a discussion that is jargon-free, budgets that are easily understood. Are we allocating those funds equitably? Is everybody paying their fair share?”

Source: https://www.somdnews.com/recorder/news/local/retired-principal-files-for-calvert-school-board

2024 General Election Candidates

Ballot Measure

Text of Question 1:

“The proposed amendment confirms an individual's right to reproductive freedom, including but not limited to the ability to make and effectuate decisions to prevent, continue, or end the individual's pregnancy, and provides the State may not, directly or indirectly, deny, burden, or abridge the right unless justified by a compelling state interest achieved by the least restrictive means.”

What Do You Need To Know?

A vote of YES on Question1 would create a new article in the Maryland Declaration of Rights to prevent the state from interfering in the right to reproductive freedom. A YES vote on Question 1 will amend Maryland’s constitution to ensure that everyone has the fundamental right to reproductive freedom, including the right to abortion access and birth control.

Alright, know who you’re voting for? Now make sure you have your Plan To Vote!

Voter Registration Deadline (Also last day to update voter information)
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
(or register same day during Early Voting)
Lookup your voter registration
Register to vote

Early Voting
October 24, 2024 – October 31, 2024, 7:00 am-8:00 pm
Early Voting Locations:
Ward Farm Park Vote Center: 10455 Ward Rd, Dunkirk, MD (Park Map With Voting Location Marked)
Community Resources Building: 30 Duke St, Lower Level, Prince Frederick
Southern Community Center: 20 Appeal Ln, Lusby

Mail-In Ballot Application Deadlines
Ballot delivered to you by mail- Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Ballot delivered to you via internet- Friday, November 1, 2024
Pick up ballot at Calvert Board of Elections- Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Complete info on mail-in ballots.

Mail-In Ballot Submission
By Mail:
Must be postmarked by Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Hand Delivery: Tuesday, November 5
, by 8:00 pm (Calvert County Board of Elections, or secure Ballot Drop Box)

Ballot Drop Box Locations
Calvert County Board of Elections: 30 Duke St, Lower Level, Prince Frederick
Southern Community Center: 20 Appeal Ln, Lusby
Fairview Library (drop box is behind the library): 8120 Southern Maryland Blvd, Owings
Northeast Community Center: 4075 Gordon Stinnett Avenue, Chesapeake Beach

*We encourage voters to submit their absentee ballot as soon as possible. If you are able, try to submit your ballot at least two weeks prior to Election Day. You can also hand deliver your ballot to a designated secure Ballot Drop Box, polling location, or Board of Elections.

Election Day
Tuesday, November 5, 2024, 7:00 am-8:00 pm
Find your polling place

If you have moved into the county within three weeks of the election, you will cast a provisional ballot which will be counted, and you can track the status of.